BCH 2333 Study Guide - Deoxyribose, Purine, Electronegativity

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Question on the final about drawing the bases with all the atoms. Actg and u with all the atoms, including h. Thymidine is a deoxyribose as well but they get confused cause theres not deoxy prefix. Instead of t in rna we have u. Nucleic acids are not soluble in water. Q1. 2c; which of the two of the base and corresponding nucleoside will absorb more light at 260nm; 1 mol equivalent of each, they will have the same absorbancy. If measuring in weight, the base will absorb more light because the nucleoside has a bunch of sugar. Mathews pge 95; all the na get absorbed at 260nm, purine has the most resonance, structures are complicated so the curves will be complicated, not to worry about for this course. Phosphoric acid, a very strong acid bc electronegativity and structure (3 acid groups on. We have acid groups, we can make ester groups with alcohol.