ANP1107- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 83 pages long!)

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4 layers of gi tract: mucosa (innermost): secretion of musuc, digestive enzymes, hormones; absorb end products of digestion; protect against infection. Esophagus: (thoracic) surrounded by an adventitia instead of serosa; fibrous ct which binds the esophagus to surrounding tissues. Mouth vestibule and oral cavity proper: hard palate and back of tongue is modestly keratinized to resist abraision. Palate hard palate anteriorly underlain by palatine bones and palatine processes of maxillae; tongue pushes food against rigid surface during cheweing soft palate posteriorly mostly skeletal muscle; closes nasopharynx when swallowing. 4 types of papillae (projections on tongue) filiform papillae: conical, contain keratin, numerous in parallel rows, provide friction for manipulating foods. 2 fungiform papillae: mushroom-shape, widely scattered, vascular core with a reddish hue, contains taste buds vallate papillae: v-shaped row at back of tongue, also contain taste buds foliate papillae: primarily on the sides of tongue, contain taste buds.