ANP 1105 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vasomotor Center, Blood Vessel, Vascular Smooth Muscle

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4. 3. 1 compare and contrast the structures of the walls of arteries, capillaries and veins. Arteries: blood away from heart, branch diverge and fork. Innermost, internal elasic membrane: made of endothelium, simple squamous, direct contact with blood. Tunica media: circularly arranged smooth muscle, elasin, bulkiest layer, alters diameter of vessel, symp. Tunica adveniia: loosely woven collagen ibers, anchors to other structures, nerve ibers, lymphaic vessels, elasic ibers. 4. 3. 2 compare the 3 types of arterial vessels. Elasic (conducing arteries: thick walled, near the heart, elasin, largest diameter, recoil helps maintain pressure and low of blood. Arterioles: smallest arteries, determine which capillary beds are lushed. The aorta is most suscepible to atheroscerosis. 4. 3. 3 deine microcirculaion and compare the 3 types of capillaries. Coninuous capillaries: in skin and muscles, uninterrupted lining, ight juncions, most common, intercellular clets allow limited passage of luids and solutes. Fenestrated capillaries: endothelial cells illed with pores/fenestraions, increased permeability to luids/small solutes, small intesine, endocrine organs, kidney.