Document Summary

The holocaust, the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million jews by the nazi regime and its collaborators, represented an unprecedented form of genocide, because of its ideological motivations, universality, and totality. It called for the complete extermination of the jewish population across the world and had no practical motivation. The holodomor, or the great famine, occurred in ukraine between 1932 and 1933. Kulaks, wealthy peasant farmers, were branded as an unnecessary people by the communist regime. However, academics and lawyers argue about whether the holodomor is a genocide. Some argue that it is because it represents an act committed to destroy a group of people. However, the resolution of the un identifies genocide as an act with the intent to destroy national, ethnic, racial, or religious groups, and some argue that the holodomor was a form of targeted class warfare. The holodomor sought to eradicate the existence of a social class, the.