ADM 1301 Study Guide - Corporate Social Responsibility, Alternative Civilian Service, Knowledge Transfer

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Corporate social responsibility: the way a corporation achieves a balance among it economic, social, and environmental responsibilities in its operations so as to address shareholder and other stakeholder expectations. Amoral view: traditional view of business as merely profit-making entity. Personal view: corporations are like people and can therefore be held accountable for their actions. Social view: corporations are social institutions with social responsibilities. Government"s influence on business regulation the imposition of constraints, backed by the authority of government, that are intended to modify economic behaviour in the private sector significantly. Non-regulatory forms of government influence on business: government ownership. Crown corporations typically provide a service or product that the private sector would be unwilling or unable to provide: government subsidies. Either the direct transfer of cash to a recipient or the indirect transfer of benefits. Either increase the supply of a product or the demand for the product or service the resulting market prices affect competition: tax policy.