ADM 1300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Job Satisfaction, Departmentalization, Goal Setting

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ADM 1300 Full Course Notes
ADM 1300 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Process of specifying the nature of a particular problem or opportunity and selecting among available alternatives to solve a problem or capture an opportunity. Process involving identifying a problem or opportunity, acquiring information, developing desired performance expectations, and diagnosing the causes and relationships among factors affect the problem or opportunity. Change to achieve a more desirable state than the current one. Process involving generating alternatives, selecting preferred solution, and implementing the decided course of action. Routine response to a simple or regularly occurring problem. Decision about a problem that is either poorly defined or novel. Established procedure for action used for programmed decisions that specifics exactly what should be done. Tendency for managers to let programmed activities overshadow nonprogrammed activities. 7 step model of decision making that represents earliest attempt to model decision processes. A model of decision making that asserts that managers choose the alternative that they believe maximizes the desired outcome.