SSCI 1300U Study Guide - Midterm Guide: United Nations Development Programme, Social Inequality, Visible Minority

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A social condition or pattern of behaviour that is believed to warrant public concern and collective action. Two key aspects: condition empirically observed situation that threatens the well-being of a significant part of society , process: the ways that our society becomes concerned with social problems . Who constructs social problems: moral entrepreneurs. Types: social activists, experts, media, officials, ordinary people. Social problem industries: types: policy makers, teachers, local businesses, volunteers, social services, media, international and national organization. What are moral entrepreneurs doing when they construct social problems: claims-making: using words, visual images, or behaviour to construct meaning. Why are social problems so convincing: rhetoric (persuasion) resources. To learn how sociologists, think about the social imagination. The source of private troubles for thousands or millions of people0- often is caused by such factors as economic recession, corporate downsizing, and advances in technology that replace people with machines.