PSYC 1000U Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Asymmetric Warfare, Arbitrary Arrest And Detention, Authoritarianism

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26 Mar 2015

Document Summary

The new era of hypersecurity is seen as a permanent emergency situation or a state of exception to normal life. The war on terror is evident at 3 levels: economic, political and. The state is in a conflict of priorities: public security versus personal cultural liberty insecurity hatred. An atmosphere of daily tension, economic uncertainty and global. A growing us versus them" politics of suspicion and new forms of. Human rights issues regarding refugees and unconventional forms of warfare that give rise to torture, arbitrary detention, no fly lists. Difficulties of policing terrorism because of the asymmetrical position of the enemy, the unconventional battlefield and how these cause infringements on people"s freedom from airport security checks to increased surveillance, drone attacks etc. The state has a particular agenda; political, social, economic being against those agendas. Is it ok to violate a law when people think it is unfair and wrong? the rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech.