HLSC 2463U Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hyperthyroidism, Angiotensin, Aldosterone

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25 Apr 2018

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Write your response to each situation in the space provided: a clinical research protocol includes drawing blood to measure insulin levels. Our research subjects do not like blood draws, says a research assistant. I asked my doctor and he said c gmp is a second messenger. A second messenger, like c gmp, is a substance released into a cell when the first messenger reaches the cell and signals it but cannot enter the cell. The second messenger travels inside the cell and triggers cellular chemistry to happen, creating the clinical effects of that first messenger. For example, hormones and other signaling molecules that are small proteins cannot enter cells; they signal the cell from outside, which causes a second messenger to be released. This a normal process: mr. merryweather as a tumor that damaged his hypothalamus but not his pituitary gland. Among numerous other hormone problems, he is nto secreting enough antidiuretic hormone (adh).