CRMN 2030U Study Guide - Final Guide: Youth Criminal Justice Act, Canadian Mental Health Association, Human Body Weight

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10 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Lecture 6 youth deviance & social control. Slide 2: youth are often portrayed as being troubling and being troubled deviant. Slide 3: with respect to these perceptions, youth crime from the early 60"s to the 1990"s was increasing. By the 1990"s youth crime started to decline, however, between 2001-2011 there was a steady decrease. In 2015, there was a decrease in youth crime rate. Adults commit the majority of all crime, approximately 85% of all crime. Youth are more likely to be victims of crime. Slide 5: moral panics exaggerated and sensationalized concerns of a particular phenomenon. Slide 6: 5 elements of moral panics 1. Heightened concern increase concern in that specific issue. Consensus idea of being a certain level of concern that is a real threat. Volatility can be in the news paper for a week and then it is unheard of. Help analyse youth cultural phenomenon and explain the perception and reality gaps.