BUSI 2000U Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Charismatic Authority, Narcissism

110 views2 pages
7 Jun 2016

Document Summary

Transformational leadership: involves an exceptional form of influence that moves followers to accomplish more than what is usually expected of them. It is made possible when leader"s end values are adopted by followers to change attitude and belief, and goals of the followers. Tl involves expanding followers" values, goals, needs and wants, and helps followers transcend their own self-interest for the sake of their team or organization and challenges them to become more self-actualized. Components of transformational leadership: most welcome in unstable environments, that increase the need for change, stressful situations, and. Inspirational motivation involves identifying and articulating an appealing vision of the future: communicating this vision is often done through the use of symbols in an optimistic and enthusiastic manner. Idealized influence refers to behaviours like showing that benefits of the greater good re more important than the benefits of the individual, demonstrating high ethical norms and desirable behaviours, and acting as a role model for the subordinates. a.