AHSS*1140 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Netflix, Public Choice, Export Development Canada

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26 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 1: thinking about canadian society & government. How government officials/workers organize themselves to implement government initiatives and manage financial resources, hr resources, operational (everyday) as well as strategic leadership. Increasing concern for accountability, ethics limited resources, greater concern over expenditures. Canada"s unique complexities that reflect linguistic, cultural, historical, geographic, economic, and social differences. Transparency along with accountability and ethics they have to publicize what they are doing, and do what they"ve planned/ said they would when they were elected. (doing what they said they"re doing) Government need to have a form (plat form), leadership, people to back you up and help you. Canada is diverse- linguistic (many languages) so equal services in both languages ( you could say it"s inefficient, but it"s canada). Cultures- we need translators and such for people that doing speak either known language. Official languages act: protection for english and french.