SOC 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Differential Association, Simulated Reality, Canadian Content

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Agnostic: someone who thinks it is impossible to know whether god exists, but does not deny the possibility. Animism: tylor"s first stage, in which supernatural entities are believed to inhabit both living things and inanimate objects. Atheist: someone who denies the existence of supernatural beings or forces. Asceticism: weber"s term for religions that seek mastery over the natural world, other people, and the human body. Biological determinism: the hypothesis that biological factors completely determine a person"s behavior. Block printing: a process in which wooden blocks are engraved with images and text, inked, and then pressed onto paper. Blog: an online diary in which an individual posts personal reflections on events, specific topics, and/or experiences. Cancon (canadian content): federal regulations that stipulate the required percentage of canadian content in television and radio broadcasts. Calling: one"s work, believed to be an expression of god"s will, particularly if that work brings financial success.