SOCI 352 Study Guide - Final Guide: Diversity Training, Canadian National Railway, Cognitive Bias

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12 May 2015

Document Summary

Inequality as a process: not a social outcome (by which you get a certain outcome, 1. Innate tendency to differentiate (fxns to make sense of all stimuli we encounter) Categories are socially constructed (though we innately do it, at the end, categories are socially constructed- framework is social) Use norms and symbols to exaggerate distinctions (that may/may not be bio based) Vary by time and place: 2. Informal- tends to reflect social norms, stereotypes of given time and place (more skeptical about fairness) Discrimination= *unequal treatment of similarly situated ppl based on irrelevant categorical distinction. Taste discrimination= *explicit ingroup preference and outgroup bias. Statistical discrimination= *using stats averages/actual characterizations of a group to treat an individual of the group. Stereotyping= *using beliefs (not factually based) abt a group to treat an individual of the group not empirically based. Labour markets and matching: matching of worker to jobs (and institutions that support it) eg. craig"s list , 1.