PSYC 302 Final: highlighted notes for final.pdf

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9 Dec 2013

Document Summary

Language: phonology: deals with sounds, morphology/semantics: deals with meaning, syntax: grammar, pragmatics: how to use language to, must distinguish between language communicate production and language comprehension. Newport"s critical period: age at exposure (not total exposure time) predicts syntactic outcomes in particular, as well as accent (noun learning, for instance, is ne, age-related change only happens before puberty. Examined immigrants to us based on time in us and age at arrival: 2. Critical periods: bilinguals" brains: even when comparing groups with pretty equal pro ciency, late 2nd language learner"s second language is not lateralized. Environment: for monolingual babies, they"re perceiving their native language even in the womb, mostly overhearing their mom talking to others, after birth, overhearing adult speech and hearing (and overhearing) Infant directed talk ( motherese": slower, simpler, louder, higher-pitched, accentuates word boundaries, accentuates noun phrases, very grammatical, repetitive, recasts child"s utterances psyc 302 language development.