PSYC 217 Study Guide - Statistical Inference, Observational Error, Nuland

43 views2 pages
14 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Inferential statistics: used to determine whether we can make statements that the results reflect what would happen if we were to conduct the experiment again and again with multiple samples. Asking whether we can infer that the difference in the sample means reflect the true difference in population means. Difference in the sample means reflects any true difference in the population means plus any random error. Allow researchers make inferences about the true difference in the population on the basis of the sample data. Give the probability that the difference between means reflects random error rather than a real difference. Null hypothesis: population means are equal the observed difference is due to random error. H0, population mean of the no-model group is equal to population mean of the model group. H1, population mean of the no-model group is not equal to the population mean of the model group.