PSYC 217 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Essentialism, Pilot Experiment, Operational Definition

123 views8 pages
3 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Repeated measures: weaker manipulation and less sensitive dv required in within subjects. Requires less participants because systematic error can be taken out of the equation and therefore the effect size is greater. Control: for anything else that may cause effect not due to iv. Control: selection differences (between groups of participants in one vs another condition) because we can"t control who goes in what condition per random assignment; can"t guarantee that they are the same = random error we can"t control. Random error: sources of variability we can source to iv and true score in dv. Within subjects: no one is as similar to themselves as themselves, don"t have to worry about them being similar to someone else in a condition. Any difference before could have been due to differences between participants across two conditions; now we don"t need to worry about this creating randomness w.