PSYC 208 Study Guide - Autism Spectrum, Echopraxia, Echolalia

43 views7 pages
16 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Lack of facial exploration, avoidance of eye contact, inability to monitor gaze, no joint attention. Deficits in theory of mind, lack of empathy, ignore presence of others, impaired imitation and symbolic play: stereotyped behaviors and interests. Meaningless imitation of actions (echopraxia) or speech (echolalia) Symptom severity: milder forms: asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism (preserved verbal communication) Asperger syndrome: difficulties in social interaction, with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests; preserves linguistic and cognitive development: severe forms: kanner autism (mental retardation or epilepsy) Social interaction problems (can"t make friends), communication deficits (lack development of speech, repetitive language), apathy of activity (do not play like typical children: normal intellectual functioning: superior technical intelligence, savants (e. g. math, music) usually intellectually impaired. People with neurodevelopmental disorders demonstrate profound and prodigious capacities and/or abilities. Autistic spectrum disorder: experience deficits in only one of the three symptom groups. Restrict interests: inflexible preoccupation with an object or activity.