PSYC 207 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Long-Term Potentiation, Ampa Receptor, Long-Term Memory

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12 May 2015

Document Summary

Place cells in a t-maze: place cells responsible for spatially specific (place fields) and behaviorally specific (whether turning right or left to get certain reward) Continuous: specific event cells (4 different cells) diff cells in same area fire for different cues (position, odour) Event cells: approaching, digging: hpc cells are location, behaviour, common events, specific episodes each cell almost only encodes for a certain type of information. Hpc has place cells, grid cells, cells that fire to speicifc events, episode cells (sensory based) Long term potentiation: giving the pre synaptic cell a large surge of electrical stimulus neuron will release chemical to stimulate next neuron. Consolidation: short term long term memory, memories are consolidated between 2-8 weeks afterwards memories are stored elsewhere, no longer need the hpc, special t maze test local chemical that temp inhibits that certain area. Control animals on test day used place (spatial cues) not really response.