PSYC 102 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Dietary Supplement, Serotonin Transporter, Object Permanence

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5 Oct 2016
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PSYC 102 Full Course Notes
PSYC 102 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

The scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of living organisms. How people continually change from infancy to old age. Babies get bored after repeatedly looking at one thing. Schemas: mental molds into which pour experiences: assimilation: fitting new experiences into our current understanding (schema, accommodation: adjusting and expanding a schema in response to something new. Do not grasp object permanence (objects out of sight are also out of mind) Representing things with words and images, intuitive reasoning. Concept of conservation: quantity is same despite change in shape. Egocentrism: failure to distinguish between own and another"s perspective. Ability to understand another"s mental state (4-5 years old) Critical for development of empathy --> autism spectrum disorder. False belief test (box of crayons with candles. Ability to perform mental operations on tangible objects and events. Reversibility: ability to mentally undo an action. Decentration: focus on multiple features at once (hierarchy classification) (from 5 years old)