NURS 337 Study Guide - Final Guide: Crepitus, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Antipyretic

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26 Apr 2017

Document Summary

4(cid:1005)(cid:1004) ph and hydrogen ion concentration: acidity or alkalinity of a solution depends on its hydrogen h+ concentration, in h = acidity, in h = alkalinity, ph <7. 35 = acidosis, ph >7. 34 = alkalosis. Acid-base regulation: body has 3 mechanisms to reg acid-base balance and maintain arterial ph btwn 7. 45- If renal system problem is cause of a-b imbalance then it cannot play usual role to correct ph. Alterations in acid-base balance: resp imbalances affect carbonic acid concentrations, metabolic imbalances affect base bicarbonate. Respiratory acidosis: carbonic acis excess, occurs when there is hypoventilation, builduo of co2 carbonic acid accumulates, liberates h decrease in ph, renal system usually compensates within 24h. Respiratory alkalosis: carbonic acid deficit, hyperventilation, aniety, cns disorders, sepsis, and mech overventilation increase ventilation and decrease partial pressure of carbon dioxide, compensation in uncommon. Metabolic acidosis: vase bicarb fdeficit, when acid other than carbonicacid accumulates in body or when bicarb is lost from body fluids, e. g.