MATH 255 Study Guide - Final Guide: Phase Diagram

19 views9 pages
10 Jan 2021

Document Summary

If you show results obtained with values di erent from those set by the program, your question will not be graded: the submission process is exactly the same as for homework assignments and you must follow the same instructions. You need to produce an id le, a handwritten pdf le, a . mat le and one . g le. Please follow the same instructions (especially format and size). Any failure to do so could lead your submission to not be graded: handwritten questions will count for problem 1 (1,2), problem 2, problem 3 (1,2,3), problem. Make sure each question is treated on a separated page with the number of the question clearly written. Make sure that the . mat le that you will submit will contain these variables (if you treat the corresponding questions). Any missing variable or irregular . mat le will not be graded. Total: 36 marks (+3 bonus, whenever the nal score is above 36)