FNH 371 Study Guide - Final Guide: Neural Tube Defect, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Budding

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1: critically evaluate canada"s current food guide and reflect on the key recommendations relevant for pregnancy. Take daily multivitamin containing folic acid and iron. Stay active; consult health care provider before increasing activity level. Canada"s food guide suggestion to help women get enough calcium, iron and folate: Include an extra 2-3 food guide servings each day e. g. fruit and yogurt for a snack: folate increase intake of whole grain and enriched grain products and dark green vegetables and legumes. Iron increase intake of meats/alternatives, whole grains and enriched grain products: calcium consume milk products, clearly explain, using specific examples, why nutrition is important during the first thousand days (and even before conception) Immediate influence on infant"s health and later as an adult: dependent on mother for nutrient needs, tissue differentiation, prevention of neural tube defects, prevent exposure to toxins, prevent fetal alcohol syndrome, maintain health of mother. Gestational age: period of intrauterine development from conception to birth (approx.