FNH 371 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vaginal Lubrication, Coronary Artery Disease, Hot Flash

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Describe changes that occur during adulthood (eg. changes to body weight, body composition, hormonal changes, sensory changes, and metabolic changes) and reflect on their implications for nutrition during this life stage. Body weight: body weight increase over time, decrease w/ advanced age. Body composition: fat % increase w/ age, then decrease w/ older age, lean mass decrease + fat mass increase even if weight maintained, much of decline related to decrease pa, strength change over time. Skeletal: total body bone mass peaks mid 30s(some sites peak earlier), then gradual decrease, rapid loss w/in 10 yrs menopause(decrease in estrogen = decrease in bone health), then gradual loss. Sensory: after age 40, taste, smell, vision, hearing gradual decrease (# of cells decrease, perception of smell lost more than taste, may lose perception of salty + bitter tastes more than others, gradual, unrecognized. Metabolism: after age 20, bmr decrease by ~20% per decade.