FNH 371 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Myoepithelial Cell, Lactalbumin, Lactation

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6 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Important for short and long term benefits: respiratory and gi infections, obesity, mother benefits. Describe benefits of breastfeeding for both the infant and mother. Mother: physically and emotionally enjoyable, weight loss after preg (not confirmed, convenient once established, rapid uterus shrinkage, suppression of ovulation(not a form of birth control, decrease risk of breast cancer, less expensive. Summarize the role of hormones in preparation for and control of breastfeeding. Prolactin: syn cho, pro, fa for milk production. Oxytocin: contract myoepithelial cells to pump milk through ducts -> out nipple, letdown reflex takes 30-60s. Compare how breast milk composition differs from cows milk and human milk substitutes. Lipases, cholesterol, easily digested low , substances more difficult to digest. Identify and describe the key aspects of breastfeeding management, including the cues an infant fives to indicate hunger, frequency of infant feeding, characteristics of an effective latch, hwo to tell if an infant is getting enough milk.