EOSC 114 Final: EOSC114FinalExam Notes (1).docx

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Explain what density is & how it relates to stratification: density = mass/volume; how much mass fits into a space. Unit: kg/m3 3: stratification = less-dense materials float on top of denser materials. This is found in the atmosphere, the ocean, the earth, etc. Explain why disaster scales are based on the order-of-magnitude concept, and interpret graphs with logarithmic scales: without using a log scale, sometimes a graph will be too large. Orders of magnitude are powers of 10 a logarithmic graph steps by powers of 10. Converting an exponential curve into a logarithmic graph will give a linear graph: many disaster scales use powers of 10: richter, fujita, torino, beaufort, etc. Rp (m) = time span of data / # of cases of magnitude m. Explain how some recent disasters were associated with concentration or dilution of energy: time scales for energy to build up and release. Get the disaster info you need from reliable sources.