EOSC 114 Study Guide - Water Content, Weathering, Shear Strength

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Explain how the impact of landslides depends on 1) population density, 2) economic infrastructure, and 3) population preparedness: as population density increases, increasing damage, most fatalities from a slides are under-reported as they accompany major disasters. Japan has the most deaths from landslides per year, but highest pop density as well: largest landslides in canada happen on west coast (here), between bc and. South bc: return period is 25 70 years for large slides. Distinguish between the 3 main failure modes (falls, flows, and slides) and how they are influenced by geology: falls: very fast. Occur on very steep slopes (usually rock) Material detaches because of weakness falls very fast due to gravity: slides cohesive block moves on a surface. Flat/planar surface: translational slide scarp above slide. Cohesive block slides down: flows fluid motion (chaotic) Very fast mudflows can be up to 80 km/h. Water usually involved: complex movements (combination of above)