EOSC 114 : EOSC 114 Storms

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Be wary of the main storm hazards: how far away is lightning, sound travels slower than light. Count the number of seconds between when you see and when you hear. If stuck outdoors, avoid small structures, huts, rain shelters, nearby metal, trees, water, open fields, hill tops etc. Describe the different types of lightning, how they form, and what happens when they strike something: cloud to ground lighning. To make a spark in air, you need 3 billion volts/km. Therefore, lightning from the anvil has more volts since it travels further. Cg lightning can be + or . Negative strokes are more common come from base. Positive strokes come from anvil, stronger, primary cause of natural wildfires. 10-25% of canadian cg lightning is positive. Most contain two or more cells -> multicell storms: sometimes a very large, rotating single-cell storm forms -> supercell tstorm.