COMM 393 Study Guide - Negotiable Instrument, Insurable Interest, Independent Business

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5 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Appellant the party who petitions for an appeal. Respondent the party who defends on an appeal. New trial a case sent back by the appeal court for retrial by the lower court. Unincorporated collectivity a group of persons that in most cases is not recognized by the courts and that may not sue or be sued. Class action - an action in which an individual represents a group and the judgment decides the matter of all members of the class at once. Res judicata a case that has already been decided by a court and cannot be brought before a court again. Entering (filing) an appearance filing a notice of an intention to contest an action. Statement of defence a reply to a statement of claim, admitting facts not in dispute, denying other facts, and setting out facts in support of the defence.