CAPS 391 Study Guide - Enteric Nervous System, Abdominal Pain, Lesser Omentum

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Digestive tract > from mouth to anus (alimentary tract), through head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis. Oral cavity > mouth, teeth, salivary glands, tonsils. Small intestine > duodenum, jejunum, ileum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas * Large intestine > cecum, colon, rectum, anal canal. Tongue forms food in bolus, pushes into oropharynx, contraction of pharyngeal constrictors moves through laryngopharynx, esophagus, stomach. Peristalsis > moves material through digestive tract, waves of smooth muscle contraction, relaxation of muscles in front of bolus and contraction of muscles behind bolus to move it along controlled by vagus nerve. 3 physiological sphincters: cardiac sphincter prevents reflux of food back into esophagus. Chewing, mix saliva w/ food (saliva has salivary amylase > breaks down amylose sugar or starches), stomach muscles churn bolus into chime . Digestive enzymes, acids, bases secreted along gi tract. Large organic molecules (macromolecules) digested into component parts before absorbed by digestive tract. Minerals, water, vitamins not broken down before being absorbed.