APSC 101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 33 pages long!)

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Both the sender and receiver are important in terms of face to face/verbal feedback, compared to only the message for written feedback. How, when and where are aspects that should also be considered. Sender: determines the message to be delivered and takes context into consideration. Receiver: response through words and body language are crucial to acknowledging and accepting the feedback. Sender: clear (appropriate body language), courteous (remain polite and respectful), and considerate (recognize vulnerability of receiver) Receiver: clear (same as sender), courteous (same as sender), and complete (acknowledge and ask for clarification) Remember that sustainability should be considered right from the start of the project. Challenges for water treatment in small & remote locations: Economy of scales, more expensive in remote locations. Centralized systems are often found in large cities. A small number of water treatment plants produce drinking water and then transport to locations within the city.