ANTH 100A Study Guide - Hominini, Ardipithecus, Color Vision

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10 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Caused by our arboreal existence- living in trees (need to be able to focus on branches and feel wear to grasp etc) Brain: balance (good idea of where we are in relation to the ground) De-emphasis on the olfactory (poor sense on smell, flat faces/noses,) Dentition: fewer teeth, smaller mouths, smaller canines. Trend away from teeth as a weapon or for hunting. Social behavior: female sexual receptivity (no mating season, long period of offspring dependency. Basis for sociality, in many species female-centered. Man the hunter (hypothesis: savanna-dwelling (drought that reduced the forest, allowing ancestors to migrate out of trees and entered into the savanna) Sharing forms basis of sociality: tool making (unable to hunt with fewer/non sharp teeth/soft nails. Develops in response to leave the forest. Tends to see male activities as driving human evolution. *can be on stuff not taught in class.