SOC327 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Money Laundering

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Convicted prisoners: average age, 40 years old, most are non users or uses recreationally, not addicts, sees themselves as businessmen, self employed, two or three employees, some moved up from retail to wholesale, but most went directly to high level drug trafficking. Rcmp: mandate deals with organized crime and high level drug trafficking/wholesale, deals with wholesalers, importers, growers, drug branch also have other units, mothership unit. Tries to cease money: will works with canada coast guards, canadian navy, canada customs, immigration, passport office, navy, airports, also deals with international agencies, dea (in the usa, fbi, mexican federal police, etc. Leads to a long criminal case (for those that are arrested: preliminary hearings, trials, most of these people are millionaires, so can afford top lawyers to help fight off the case, drags out cases, expensive and end result is that old crew that were taken out gets replaced by new criminals.