SOC229 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Kingston Penitentiary, The Inmates, Crown Attorney

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How are they found out: through the news, if one inmate knows about them, rumor spreads. If you are in p. c. you are locked in there. Still required to have a p. c. section even after it changed to being a p. c. institution. Every inmate talked about what happened to enzer (child molester: he was hung upside down three stories up and was also beaten up. Ralph lake (child molester remained in the general population section: tried to hide and get protection from a friend however, inmates attacked him on his way there. Very common for undesirables to get harassed in prison riots: torture them, and murder them. The media stated that the inmates protected the undesirables (which is not true) Billy set up a committee: they gave the government a list of lawyers and people to be mediators. Very uncommon and it happened twice: someone gave knight a sleeping pill and that was the end of it for him.