SOC205 Study Guide - Final Guide: Qualitative Research, Unstructured Interview, Subgroup Analysis

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High-quality data offers good quality data for a tiny fraction of the cost involved in collecting new data data sets are extremely high quality. Well established procedures for following up non-respondent. Many data sets have been generated by highly experienced researchers and large data sets samples are often national in scope or cover a wide variety of regions which is highly desirable and costly. Opportunity for longitudinal analysis it can provide an opportunity for longitudinal research. Subgroup analysis- when samples are large there is an opportunity to study subgroups. Module containing exact same questions, answer categories to other countries. More time for data analysis data collection is time consuming, the analysis of the data is often rushed. With data collected by others, a period of familiarization is necessary to come to grips with a wide array of variables, the ways in which they were coded and various aspects of their organization.