SOC101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Androcentrism, Informed Consent, Group Dynamics

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Quality of mind pg 4: critical thinking skills the ability to look past. C-wright mills o personal circumstance and into the social context / view personal circumstance within a social context: nothing to do with intelligence/level of education. Enlightenment: secular ideals of social equality (people wanting to o take charge of their own destinies) Main part is the individual: individual thought process rather. Individual rights: have rights by nature (traded freedom for than group security) Pg 7 think + feel independently of everyone else. Agency = can alter socially constructed lives. Structure = opportunities / constraints influencing individual behaviour. Rousseau, social contract pg 35- people can become what they want (natural state = primitive condition) under the government"s protection. John locke tabula rasa = blank slate" in latin. Difference between american and canadian sociological difference: regionalism, political economy, canadian movement, radical principles. No room for subjective interpretation of results. Statistical analysis = research objective + unbiased.