PSYCH257 Midterm: chapter_11--substance-relat

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Chapter 11 -- substance - related and impulse - control disorders key. In the united states, the annual death rate related to cigarette smoking and the use of alcohol and i l legal drugs is estimated to be: A. smoking a cigarette b. drinking a cup of coffee c. taking a sleeping pi l l d. getting drunk. The american psychiatric association defines substance abuse in terms of: Substance intoxication includes a l l of the fo l lowing except: A. the specific drug that is used b. how much of a drug is used or ingested c. the drug user"s individual biological reaction d. physiological dependence on the drug. In terms of substance - related disorders, the word addiction is most closely associated with: A. substance use b. intoxication c. substance dependence d. polysubstance abuse. A person who is physiologica l ly dependent on a drug wi l l experience: