PSYCH238 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Goal Setting, Psychological Egoism, Job Performance

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Document Summary

Introduction to motivation: the extent to which persistent effort is directed toward a goal , an inferred construct, presumed to be an intervening variable essential for performance, temporary and fleeting. Good directions are channelling energy toward goals that benefit the organization: goals: objective towards which it is directed. Content theories (why/what): needs that must be met in order to motivate individuals (self- determination theory) Process theories (how): focus on the underlying processes involved in motivating employees; how motivation occurs (goal setting theory) Alderfer"s erg theory (from bottom to top: existence- corresponds with maslow"s. Physiological and safety needs: relatedness- corresponds with maslow"s love & belonging and esteem needs. Alderfer stresses that relatedness needs are satisfied by open, accurate, honest interaction rather than by uncritical pleasantness : growth- corresponds with maslow"s self-actualization needs and aspects of his esteem needs that concern achievement and responsibility .