PSYCH211 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Baby Talk, Associationism, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

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Why study developmental psych: makes you a better parent! Kid drawing - you did a good job on that one vs. Highlighting not innate ability but just performance so if they fail, that doesn"t mean something bad about them - means they just performed poorly in that task: developing social policies. How do you question a child who has ex. Been molested at the age of 2 or. Given dolls and told to show what happened - However if too young, may show things that did not happen: understanding human nature. Everything is the way it is because it got that way. When babies a few weeks old are put on backs and shown image right above them: Males prefer mobile (mish mash of full face) Recent - a relatively new field (ex. 1930s), some methods being used only originated in the 70s.