PSYCH207 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Expressive Aphasia, Aphasia, Language Disorder

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Document Summary

A mental representation that is used for a variety of cognitive functions, including memory, reasoning, and using and understanding language goldstein. A mental representation of some object, event, or pattern that has stored in it much of the knowledge typically thought relevant to that object, event, or pattern galotti. Categorization process used to place things into groups called categories. Category a class/ group of similar things. Used to understand individual cases you have not seen before and make inferences about them. Concepts are not representations of specific examples but a list of characteristics. Membership in a category is clear cut: either in or out, all or none. Problem #1: no defining features for many natural-kind categories. Problem #2: typicality (graded membership) people judge members of a category as differing in. Goodness (e. g. pluto not being considered a real planet anymore) Includes features that are characteristic rather than necessary or sufficient. Prototype: an idealized representation of a class of objects.