PSYCH101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Herbert Graf, Otto Stolz, Hand Washing

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18 Jun 2015
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PSYCH101 Full Course Notes
PSYCH101 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

What is behaviourism: classical condition (pavlov, operant condition (skinner and pigeons) Language acquisition (how do we learn how to speak?: observational (the bobo doll) Learning = association of conditions stimulus or neutral stimulus with an conditioned stimulus where the conditioned stimulus produces the unconditioned response. If pigeon went to piano, got food, then press key and food, slowly made more and more complex until pigeon could play beethoven. If you want to understand behavior, you don"t need to know what"s inside the head: need to know what can be observed. Learned it is good to by violent by watching others being rewarded for violent behavior. Developmental psychology ii: the big picture: physical development changes early and late in life, cognitive development piaget"s theory, social development attachment theory, erikson"s theory, gender development. Physical development: children learn really fast, varies a lot, old people start to decline in senses 65+