PLAN100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Urban Renewal, Garden City Movement, Denso

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Organic: small scale, develop on their own. Control size of settlements (cid:498)pleasant to others(cid:499) To create a settlement you need surplus (i. e. food, water, etc. ) With development of better agricultural/ resource extraction styles (i. e. irrigation) we can create excess. Higher productivity = production more than consumption. All jobs are required to make a city work. Important for city to be well located: ex. Irregular street patterns (fortified palace, market, cathedral, green space) Roman empire collapses; cities built on top of roman cities. People retreat to small communities (collapse of massive empire into many different communities) High buildings dominated the city because of height emphasis: 2-3 stories, small apartments, usually handing over streets. Small settlements could not produce surplus or capture the surplus produced over a large area. Hard to maintain population (high death rate) At the end of this period, 2000/3000 people cramped into small settlements (walled for protection purposes)