PHIL110B Study Guide - Final Guide: Experience Machine, Consequentialism, Hedonism

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Consequences pleasure + pain in the end, we want the best consequences. Like deontology unlike ve: like deontology universality + rejects relativism, like ve blends prudence + morality. Allowed to have own preferences but must put into the hedonistic (universal) calculation. Evaluates actions not character like ve. Jeremy bentham atheist universalist: believed in education, women"s rights, gay rights, public health, prisoner"s rights. Rules are innate rejects kant"s theories. Ethical science avoids cultural relativity + religion + innate rules. Reflects how our life impacts world e. g. cocoa beans = chocolate. Ari says pleasure isn"t the only human good. Discrimination and rights violations stalin: can"t make an omelette without breaking some eggs! . People become slaves to the world we have no life-plan. What kind or person should i be: once we can answer these questions, we will know what kind of person we should be the one that will do their duty as reliably as possible.