PHIL110B Study Guide - Vagueness, Child Prodigy, Gluttony

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A normative ( the way things ought to be ) ethical theory that says that an action is morally right just because a virtuous person, acting in character, would do it in that situation reflects their virtuous character. Not a single theory but a family of theories that came from the ancient greek philosophies. Excellence of character development of good character over time. Examining the character traits needed to flourish for a desirable human life. If you have character defects not moral/ moral problems. Your actions come out of your character. First look at the good life and the good person then define the duties referencing those ideals. What kind of a person should i be: people would ideally say one that: treats others with respect. Obey rules that rational + equal people approve of. A better person is a more virtuous person more courageous + temperate + wiser.