KIN456 Study Guide - Final Guide: Visual Agnosia, Parietal Lobe, Occipital Lobe

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Double dissociation: two areas of the neocortex are functionally dissociated by two behavioral tests. Each test is affected by a lesion in one zone but not in the other. Lesions in the left hemisphere of right-handed patients consistently produce deficits in language functions (speech, writing, and reading) that are not produced by lesions in the right hemisphere. Thus, the functions of the two hemispheres are dissociated. However, performing spatial tasks, singing, playing musical instruments, and discriminating tonal patterns are more disrupted by right-hemisphere than by left-hemisphere lesions. Because right-hemisphere lesions disturb tasks not disrupted by left-hemisphere lesions and vice versa, the two hemispheres are doubly dissociated. Left hemisphere affects verbal process and right affects non verbal processes. Commissurotomy: the surgical procedure of disconnecting the two hemispheres by cutting the 200 million nerve fibers of the corpus callosum. Prevents communication to an extent between the hemispheres. When you cut that connection, the potential to inhibit on hemisphere is reduced.