KIN354 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Achievement Orientation, Moral Character, Hazing

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Moral development: the process in which an individual develops the capacity to reason morally. Kohl(cid:271)e(cid:396)g"s th(cid:396)ee de(cid:448)elop(cid:373)e(cid:374)t le(cid:448)els: pre-conventional morality (fear of punishment, conventional morality (conform for approval, post-conventional morality (principled actions) Social learning moral behavior: carrying out an action that is deemed right or wrong. Factors influencing moral behavior: sport environment, motivational climate, goal orientation, aggression, team norms, bullying and hazing. Aggression an overt verbal or physical act intended to injure another living organism physical or psychologically. Violent behaviors: extreme physical aggression with no direct relationship to the competitive goals of sport. Assertive behavior forceful, vigorous and legitimate actions with no intent to injure opponent. Instrumental aggression aggressive act serving as a means to particular goal. Intent is to harm, injury is impersonal and limits effectiveness e. g. body check. Hostile aggression goal is cause injury, intent to make victim suffer.