KIN330 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Summary Statistics, Internal Validity, The Control Group

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Document Summary

In case you want to watch the video in its entirety: http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=td5ld3nurai&feature=g-u-u&context=g242fecefuaaaa. Sometimes there are many studies addressing the same research topic with conflicting results: important to choose the best evidence to apply in practice. Define the problem: formulate an answerable question. Track down best evidence to solve the problem. Apply to the individual: based on clinical expertise and context. There are multiple studies with results regarding a specific research question. Those studies are relatively uniform in design. The findings for the studies are relatively consistent with each other. There is value to be gained by understanding the actual magnitude of a statistical effect with better precision. Summarize findings and opinions from a numerous studies examining a topic. Summarizes large amount of data in a narrative style (tells a story) Similar to above, but with very specific criteria set out describing how the studies were selected. More rigorous search strategy with strict inclusion/exclusion criteria.