KIN242 Study Guide - Huntingtin, Motor Unit, Model Organism

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Avoid harm/injury: contrast feedback vs. feedforward control. Feedforward control: relies on internal motor programs , can account for unanticipated variance/error, good for rapid movements, no way to correct for actual errors. Feedback control: rely on sensory inputs to specify motor response, slower, so not great for fast movements, can be more accurate and adaptive, for unpredictable and precise movements. Reflex: automatic reaction, no adaptation to environment, reaction to external stimulus, all feedforward control. Voluntary movement: controlled movement, adapted to specific movement requirements, more likely to have feedback control, define. Chorea: brief irregular movements, not repetitive or rhythmic, appears to flow from one muscle to next. Week 1 lecture 2: describe the functions of an astrocyte. Selects voluntary movements: which lobe of the cerebral cortex is responsible for processing of tactile information, frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital. Week 2 lecture 1: describe two phylogenetic differences between species that walk on two vs. four legs.