KIN104 Study Guide - Final Guide: One-Repetition Maximum, Multi-Stage Fitness Test, Transtheoretical Model

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Document Summary

Guidelines" purpose = health implication by result from research. Exercise activity-component, improve health status, prevent/manage disease, injury risk. Performance - skill + performance, limit risk of injury. Fitness = ability to carry out daily tasks, capacity to perform daily tasks, recreation and sport; doing anything w/ ease. Very specific; not notion of body fat (does not define fitness) Health related (system-related): cardiorespiratory, muscular strength + endurance, flexibility, body composition. Normative data characterize what"s typical in defined population @ specific point in time; used to compare: depend on gender + age. Models of behaviour + change - greater barriers/constraints in elderly; never disregard emotions. Self-efficacy = person"s belief/confidence about their activity/exercise abilities to produce effects: important predictor of participation and adhere to, confidence during challenges = self-efficacy, factors: mastery (personal experience; greatest), Vicarious experience (observe others) success/failure of others; +ve build, -ve decrease. State (psychological + emotional) physiological responses (hr, ventilation) or mood (anxiety, etc. )