INTST101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Kyoto Protocol, List Of Internet Phenomena, Greenhouse Gas

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What gets in trouble is not what we don"t know, it is what we do know for sure that just ain"t so. People assumed that earth was too large to play a contributing factor in global warming. Realistically the atmosphere is so thin relative to the earth that it can be easily changed. Greenhouse gas affect: sun rays get in, excess goes back to space, some stays in which keeps earth temperate. However the pollution making atmosphere thicker, so more heat is. Roger bevelle first person to measure the amount of carbon dioxide in the trapped increasing earth"s temperature atmosphere: inspired al gore (was his prof, graph in the movie depicts yearly increases and decreases, this is because it: Goes down because during the summer and spring in the sun its directed toward the northern hemisphere, so the co2 is absorbed as the leaves take it in.